French Lyrics Translations

Parce qu’on ne sait jamais – Christophe Maé. French lyrics and English translation.

“Parce qu’on ne sait jamais” (English: “Because we never know”) is my favourite track on “Mon paradis,” by Christophe Maé, so I thought I should share it. The lyrics, translation, video, and explanation of the phrases and vocabulary are all after the jump.

I really like Christophe Maé’s music so I would highly recommend that you download this album, or at least one or two of his songs. He is a very popular French pop singer, whose style is infused with a folksy sound. Maé notably portrays the role of Monsieur, the brother of Louis XIV (the fourteenth) in the popular French musical “Le Roi Soleil.”  Maé’s first studio album was released in 2007 entitled: “Mon paradis.”  It went to #1 on the French charts, and was also a huge hit in Belgium and Switzerland.  I was able to download it on Canadian iTunes, so it must have had some success in Canada as well.

The vocabulary and explanation of phrases come after the lyrics and translation.

French English
Tant de plaisirs faciles, d'envies puérilesPlenty of easy pleasures, childish desires
Qui nous retiennent vers le basThat keep us down
Prêt à n’importe quel deal quand il faut mourirWe're ready to make any deal when we must die
On se met à tout croireWe begin to believe everything
Parce qu'on sait jamaisBecause we never know
On regarde vers le hautWe look up
Si il y a un aprèsIf there is an afterlife
Au moins sauver sa peauSo at least save his skin
On est capable du pire des mea culpaWe are capable of the worst mea culpa
De toutes les mauvaises foiOf all the bad faith
Qui pourrait encore dire qui est saint ThomasWho could say if even St. Thomas is?
Quand son heure arriveraWhen his hour arrives
Alors on baisse les bras pour venir se faire pardonnerThen we lower our arms to come be forgiven
D’y avoir cru tellement peu et de vouloir se racheterTo have thought so little and to want to redeem ourselves


les envies (fem.) puériles: childish desires

l’envie (fem.): desire

puérile: childish

retenir: to hold, to detain, to restrain – but in the context within the song: “qui nous retiennent vers le bas” it means “to hold down.”

après: in the context of the song “si il y a un après” it means afterwards or afterlife.

mea culpa: an acknowledgement of one’s own faults.  This is a Latin saying that is also used in English. Literally “mea culpa” translates (from Latin) as “by my fault.”

se racheter: to redeem themselves

racheter: to redeem

And here are the French lyrics, alongside the video with lyrics.

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