French Lyrics Translations

Je veux tout – Ariane Moffatt / French lyrics and English translation

“Je veux tout” is a totally catchy song from Québecois artist Ariane Moffatt. I have her album Tous les sens (downloaded on Canadian iTunes) and I really, really like it. It also won the 2009 Juno award for Francophone album of the year, so the Juno judges clearly liked it as well. For those of you who don’t know, the Juno Awards honour Canadian musicians and other artists in the Canadian music industry.

Any way, to the song. It is great for learning as Ariane sings clearly and slowly. The video, French lyrics, English translation, and an explanation of the vocabulary are all after the jump.

An explanation of the vocabulary is after the video, lyrics, and translation. (You have to turn the closed captioning on to get the lyrics. It is the CC button on the bottom right corner of the video screen.)

French English
Je veux toutI want it all
Toi et les autres aussiYou and the others too
Aux quatre coins de ma vieAt the four corners of my life
Sur les cœurs il n'y a pas de prixOn hearts, there is no price
Je veux toutI want it all
Tout de suite et iciRight now and right here
Je veux toutI want it all
L'image claire et la floueThe clear image, the fuzziness
Sur les sentiments illimitésOn my unlimited feelings
Je travaille pour l'amour sans rendez-vousI work for love without meeting up
Je veux voler sans me faire attraperI want to fly without getting myself caught
Le vide je vais le remplirThe emptiness, I will fill it up
De bon ou de mauvais souvenirsWith good or bad memories
Le vide je veux le remplirThe emptiness, I want to fill it up
Avant que mon âme s'assèche et que je craqueBefore my soul dries up and I crack (go crazy)
Je veux toutI want it all
Le silence et les promessesSilence and promises
Le rigide et la souplesseRigidity and flexibility
Je veux toutI want it all
L'anarchie et la sagesseAnarchy and wisdom
Ton sourire et puis tes fessesYour smile and then your bum
Je veux toutI want it all
Toi et tous tes amisYou and all of your friends
Pour tracer mes jours et mes nuitsTo trace my days and my nights
Sur les cœurs il n'y a pas de prixOn hearts, there is no price
Je veux toutI want it all
Tout de suite et iciRight now and right here
Je veux toutI want it all
Tout de suite et iciRight now and right here
Le vide je vais le remplirThe emptiness, I will fill it up
De bon ou de mauvais souvenirsWith good or bad memories
Le vide je veux le remplirThe emptiness, I want to fill it up
Avant que mon âme s'assèche et que je craqueBefore my soul dries up and I crack (go crazy)
Je veux toutI want it all
Toi et les autres aussiYou and the others too
Aux quatre coins de ma vieAt the four corners of my life
Sur les cœurs il ny a pas de prixOn hearts, there is no price
Je veux toutI want it all
Tout de suite et iciRight now and right here
Je veux toutI want it all
Tout de suite et iciRight now and right here


le coin (les coins): corner

claire (masc. clair): clear, bright

la floue: fuzziness

illimité (fem. illimitée): unlimited

voler: to fly

attraper: to trap, to catch
(me faire attraper: to get (myself) caught)

tout de suite: right now, immediately

la vide: the emptiness

un souvenir (noun): a memory
(In this song, the noun form is used.)

souvenir (verb): to remember

remplir: to fill

l’âme (masc.): soul

assécher: to dry out

“que je craque”: Literally – “I crack,” but means “I go crazy” in much the same sense as “to crack” is used in English when applied to a person.

la souplesse: flexibility

l’anarchie (fem.): anarchy

la sagesse: wisdom

le sourire: smile

les fesses (fem.): buttocks, bum (a fairly polite term). This is used in the plural to say “a bum” because une fesse would be one buttock cheek.
(For those who are interested check out this definition of les fesses.)

tracer: to trace, to draw

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