French Lyrics Translations

Alors On Danse – Stromae / French Lyrics and English Translation

Alors On Danse was Stromae’s first hit song in Belgium and around the world. Let’s look at the French lyrics, the English translation, breakdown the vocabulary and analyze this fun dance song, shall we?

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French English
Alors on danseSo we dance
Alors on danseSo we dance
Alors on...So we...
[Couplet 1][Verse 1]
Qui dit études dit travailWho says studies says work
Qui dit taf te dit des thunesWho says work tells you money
Qui dit argent dit dépensesWho says money says spending
Qui dit crédit dit créanceWho says credit says debt
Qui dit dette te dit huissierWho says debt tells the reapo man
Lui dit assis dans la merdeWho tells you to sit in shit
Qui dit amour dit les gossesWho says love says children
Dit toujours et dit divorceSays forever and then says divorce
Qui dit proches te dit deuilsWho says loved ones tells you mourning
Car les problèmes ne viennent pas seulBecause problems never come alone
Qui dit crise te dit mondeWho says crisis tells you the world
Dit famine et dit tiers mondeSays famine and says third world
Qui dit fatigue dit réveilWho says tiredness says get up
Encore sourd de la veilleStill deaf from the day before
Alors on sort pour oublier tous les problèmesSo we go out to forget all our problems
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
[Couplet 2][Verse 2]
Et la tu t'dis que c'est finiAnd when you tell yourself you're done
Car pire que ça serait la mortBecause the only thing worse would be death
Quand tu crois enfinWhen you finally believe
Que tu t'en sorsThat you're getting out of it
Quand y en a plusThat there's no more
Et ben y en a encoreAnd sure enough there's more
Est-ce la zik ou des problèmesIs it music or problems
Les problèmes ou bien la musique?Problems or music?
Ça t'prend les tripesIt's a punch to the guts
Ça te prend la têteIt's doing your head in
Et puis tu pries pour que ça s'arrêteAnd then you pray for it to stop
Mais c'est ton corpsBut it's your body
C'est pas le cielIt's not heaven
Alors tu t'bouches plus les oreillesSo you stop covering your ears
Et là tu cries encore plus fortAnd you shout even louder
Et ça persisteAnd it goes on
Alors on chanteSo we sing
Alors on chanteSo we sing
Alors on chanteSo we sing
Alors on chanteSo we sing
Et puis seulement quand c'est finiAnd only when that's done
[Refrain ][Chorus]
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Alors on danse...So we dance...
Et ben y en a encore...And well there's still more...

After the vocab breakdown you can see a great video of Stromae performing Alors On Danse live at the South by Southwest music festival (at a venue called Stubbs BBQ no less!).

This song is a pretty straightforward dance song about dancing and partying in order to forget our problems. It has some interesting vocabulary, so let’s look at that! We’ll analyze the meaning of the verses as well.

Verse 1

études: studies
travail: work
taf: work (slang – commonly used and not impolite)
thunes: money (slang – commonly used and not impolite)
argent: money
dépenses: spending
crédit: credit
créance: debt
dette: debt
huissier: bailiff (in the lyrics I translated this as “reapo man” because it makes more sense in the context of the song – we don’t really say ‘bailiff’ in English as a casual term)
merde: shit (rude in French as it is in English!)
amour: love
les gosses (masculine): children (slang/casual language)
les proches: loved ones (usually used in the plural)
deuils: mourning
tiers monde: third world (as in “developing world”)
sourd: deaf
la veille: the day before
oublier: to forget

This verse uses a recurring grammatical structure to list off a number of common problems. Essentially the speaker is listing all the problems and drudgery in life that a person might want to forget by dancing the night away.

Stromae’s voice as he lists these banalities, annoyances, and problems is very monotone. It’s a sort of sonic mimicry of the drudgeries of life. But in contrast the beat of the song and the music are pulsating and lively. So the voice and lyrics of the song pose the problem: life is full of boring and difficult things that we must do. The antidote is how alive we feel when we go out and dance away our problems, and this antidote is of course represented by the upbeat melody of “Alors On Danse.”

And of course:
Alors on danse = so we dance

Verse 2

C’est fini: it’s done or you’re/I’m done
Pire: worse
La mort: death
La zik: music (slang)

Ça t’prend les tripes: It’s a punch to the guts

les tripes = guts
If you’ve ever eaten tripe, you may be familiar with this word! This is a common French expression that means that something really bother you. In British English we can say “I was gutted.” In American English we say “it was a punch to the guts” and both expressions are similar to “ça t’prend les tripes.”

Ça te prend la tête: it’s doing your head in

This is another common expression in French. It may be a bit milder than “it’s a pain in the ass” but it essentially means that something is annoying you. You can say “ça me prend la tête” and it means “this is bugging me” or “this is doing my head in.” You could also use the translation “it’s driving me crazy.”

Prier: to pray

In this verse Stromae talks about how *just* when you think you’re getting ahead of life, something comes along to knock you back down. We all know that feeling right?

And so what do you do? We sing (alors on chante) and then of course we dance!

As promised, here is Stromae performing this song live.

I hope you enjoyed this translation. If you like it or have questions, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below!

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